This workshop is organized by the Complex Systems Lab (GSC) in the framework of the European project FEPRE (Foundations of Europe - Prehistoric Roots of Europe)
Room: "Sala d'actes", building/edifici: P1, EPS, Campus Montilivi, Univ. Girona
Monday March 16th, 2009 Chairman: A Shukurov
10:00-10:20 A Shukurov (Newcastle) - Introduction
10:20-10:40 JK Kozlowski (Krakow) - Neolithization between the Balkans and the Carpathian basin: new results in the frame of FEPRE project (2008-2009)
10:40-11:00 M Kaczanoswka (Krakow) - Venturing into the unknown: FTN flint and obsidian networks in the Balkans and middle Danube basin
11:00-11:20 J Fort (Girona) - Data and mathematical approaches to the Neolithic transition
11:20-12:05 Coffee break
12:05-12:25 JP Bocquet-Appel, S Naji (Paris), M Vander Linden (Leicester) and JK Kozlowski (Krakow) - The differential speed for the spread of the farming system in Europe and its causes
12:25-12:45 Discussion
12:45-14:20 Lunch
14:20-14:40 N Isern (Girona) - Stochastic fronts and the Neolithic transition
14:40-15:00 R Villems (Tartu, Estonia) - Prehistoric gene flows in Europe and around
19:00 Dinner Restaurant el Pati Verd (Hotel Carlemany), Plaça Miquel Santaló, Girona
Tuesday March 17th, 2009 Chairman: JK Kozlowski
10:00-10:20 AN Mazurkevich (St Petersburg) - Early Neolithic in Central and North-Western Russia: Radiocarbon Chronology and Typology
10:20-10:40 J Conolly (Trent, Canada) - Quantitative simulation modelling of agricultural variability in Early Neolithic Europe
10:40-11:00 J Pérez-Losada (Girona) - Space-time simulations of neolithic agricultural variability evolution
11:00-11:20 S Fedotov (Manchester) - Stochastic model for population migration and the growth of human settlements along a river valley
11:20-12:05 Coffee break
12:05-12:25 D Moss (Manchester) - Numerical simulations of population migration and the growth of human settlements along a river valley
12:25-12:45 Discussion
12:45-14:20 Lunch
14:20-14:40 O Balanovsky (Moscow) - Human Genetics and Neolithic dispersal: what's new?
14:40-15:00 - Meeting of the General Assembly of the FEPRE Consortium
17:30 Guided walk around Girona, Hotel Peninsular, Avda Sant Francesc 6, Girona
19:00 Dinner Restaurant Boira, Plaça Independència 17, Girona
Wednesday March 18th, 2009 Chairman: JP Bocquet-Appel
10:00-10:20 GI Zaitseva (St Petersburg) - Assessing the accuracy of Neolithic database for European Russia: dating techniques, materials and calibration
10:20-10:40 M Vander Linden (Leicester/Brussels) - In constant motion? A first comparison of mathematical models and radiocarbon evidence for the introduction of farming practices in Europe
10:40-11:00 T Pujol (Girona) - Simulating the Neolithic advance: the roles of geography and cultural diffusion
11:00-11:20 G Sarson (Newcastle) - Recent and planned developments in modelling the Neolithic
11:20-12:05 Coffee break
12:05-12:30 J Steele (London) - Using C14 dates to estimate front propagation rates
12:30-12:50 Discussion
12:50-14:20 Lunch
14:20-14:40 A Shukurov and PM Dolukhanov (Newcastle) - On the accuracy of radiocarbon dating for the Neolithic
14:40-15:00 P Dolukhanov (Newcastle) - General discussion
20:00 Dinner Restaurant Casa Marieta, Plaça Independència 5, Girona
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